Friday, July 28, 2006

That's a bunch of hooey...

I just overheard that phrase (just now) and decided it would make a good title-not that this post is just a bunch of hooey. Well, then again. . .


1. Trees. There are lots of trees and grass and flowering and non-flowering plants that grow very easily here-I guess I should have said green plants instead of just "trees."

2. The cost of living is VERY low. I live (with J and C, of course) in a 3-bedroom house on a 1/3-acre lot, and pay only $550 per month for rent. By comparison, my brother lives in a 3-bedroom house on less than 1/4-acre in San Diego, and pays $1885. And his yard is dirt, just dirt. My yard is lush green grass (too lush-I need to mow it).

3. I don't know. There is more, but I have to go. I'll finish this list later.

4. Three Presidents have been from TN (see, this page is educational, not just my incoherent babble) : 1) Andrew Jackson, who was a hero of the War of 1812 (actually he was a hero of the Battle of New Orleans, which took place after the war was officially over) but then made a historical ASS of himself by marching the Native Americans (Indians, American Indians-whatever you call them) to Oklahoma to get rid of them. 2) Andrew Johnson was also from TN. He was Lincoln's VP, and helped "put the country back together" after the Civil War. For his efforts, he was almost impeached. God! aren't we on a roll. 3) James K. Polk, whose Presidency was far less controversial, and much more productive, than the other two, brought Washington, Oregon, California, Arizona and New Mexico into the United States. All three of them were born in North Carolina-of course, only Andrew Johnson was born after there even WAS a TN to be born in.

5. Tennessee has been fairly prominent in our nation's history. Beside the three presidents, that is. I'm not going to go into it, though.

6. This list is starting to bore me.

hi ho hi ho, it's back to work I go


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